Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders:

A Recap of Bring Our Daughters and Sons Day

On April 25th, the SMART Program in Rock Island opened its doors for a special occasion: Bring Our Daughters and Sons Day. This event wasn’t just about bringing kids to work; it was about igniting their curiosity, inspiring their ambitions, and fostering a sense of belonging in the professional world.
The whole idea behind Bring Your Child to Work Day is to give them an idea of what their parents do at work, so they can start thinking about career possibilities for themselves. With this goal in mind, the SMART Program crafted a day filled with immersive experiences designed to give children a taste of various professions within the organization.
Throughout the day, participants engaged in a variety of hands-on activities. Led by passionate mentors and experts from the SMART Program, children had the opportunity to explore concepts like construction management and project management. From learning about scope assessment and budgeting to designing their own floor plans, including a media center, every activity was aimed at providing practical insights into the world of work.
In addition to the structured activities, children also learned about important concepts like construction safety, ensuring they gained a comprehensive understanding of the industry. One of the highlights of the day was a ribbon-cutting ceremony that symbolized the opening of doors to endless possibilities for the young participants. It was a moment of pride and joy as they celebrated their achievements and looked forward to a bright future. The event was a testament to the commitment of the SMART Program to nurture talent and provide opportunities for growth.